4 ways you can help
Help spark ‘that exponential thing’.
We have to cut carbon emissions FAST. Creating such a massive expansion in a short space of time is what this is all about. And this is where I unashamedly ask for your help.
I have said it in the manual. I will say it again in my ‘Buddychats’, and I say it again here, that
You can do this by spreading the word ACTIVELY and promoting the manual ACTIVELY. Here are four simple ways in which just about everyone can make this grow.
Be a Propagator
What’s the Propagator role? Find out more here.
Lots of Propagators will be crucial in triggering the exponential numbers of people reducing their carbon footprint. It costs you nothing, it’s going to be fun, and I’m planning ways to provide support, and help Propagators be part of a team. And as with Carbon Buddies, you can share the role with a friend or colleague. Sign up here.
Be a Micro-distributor
Anyone can do this. Buy some manuals (at a special price), sell some, give some. Particularly suitable for Ecopreneurial businesses who can either sell it, or give it as a gift to some of their favourite customers. Everybody wins.
Be the buzz
Yes, you’ve guessed it! Social media will be one of the best ways of growing the Carbon Buddy Project. So get busy sharing, tweeting, Instagramming and Goodreading to draw thousands (or even millions?) into this adventure.
You can also help to create the buzz by downloading the FREE Taster Edition of The Carbon Buddy Manual and disseminating it widely. It’s a pdf and therefore really easy to share.
And finally, don’t forget that other very old-fashioned social media tool: TALKING TO PEOPLE!
Be the media
In the digital space people look for recommendations from others they trust. Reviews are a crucial tool in selling books. Your honest and genuine reviews not only help potential buyers but they also help me to see which aspects of the manual you like and which don’t quite work for you.