that can be used in many different ways and places. Think of it too as a project you work on in bite size chunks over time. Different people will do this best in different ways. Here are a few ideas and examples:
Great for Carbon Buddy pairs
Others, on the other hand, thrive on the interaction and motivation that comes from working with a good friend. This is the Carbon Buddy idea I talk about in the manual.
Great for loners
Some people, particularly introverts, really enjoy working quietly and persistently on a project over time. I think this is demanding, but for some it’s the best way of working.
Great for families
What better family project could there be than to focus on reducing the family’s carbon footprint (or #mypersonalpollution as I like to call it)? The manual will help your family develop a roadmap towards a more sustainable lifestyle. And will lead to some lively discussion!
Great for students and GenZers
The GenZ generation are rightly angry about the legacy that older generations have left. But in general outrage doesn’t change minds. Working alongside and helping others does. I see a seriously positive role for the young as Carbon Buddy Climate Coaches inspiring and supporting their parents and grandparent’s generations to move towards a green lifestyle. The Carbon Buddy Manual provides a friendly and approachable process for discussion, debate and action.
Great for households
If you live in shared accommodation, then again some or all of you can work on this together using The Carbon Buddy Manual as a shared language and structure.
Great for local climate action or membership groups
Local groups are springing up all over the place to grapple with the challenges of climate change. It’s not easy to get one of these groups working effectively. The Carbon Buddy Manual tells you how. It also provides a clear structure or ‘textbook’ to follow over time which makes things much easier.
Great for educational and membership groups
Same applies to many other types of groups who want to see how they can help. So if you are an educator see the manual as not only a text about climate issues, but also an introduction to many other key skills such as goal setting, prioritising, planning, analysing barriers, networking, researching, emotional intelligence and much more besides.