What’s a Carbon Buddy Propagator?
The idea comes from horticulture … to propagate a plant, take a seed, plant it, water it and see it grow. Plant it out to give it more space. Watch it grow more. Harvest the results. Enjoy.
But in this case the Propagator is helping to grow and spread ambition, confidence, resolve and practical climate action
A few suggestions for wannabe propagators
Tell any relevant journalists, bloggers, and podcasts about the Carbon Buddy Manual. Send them this link to resources which tell them more
Encourage friends, family, local climate action groups and educators to use the Carbon Buddy Manual as a practical toolkit for discussion and action
Respond to and share Carbon Buddy Project social media posts. (see links at the bottom of the page)
Try to interest your local radio station in the Carbon Buddy Project story and how you are propagating it locally. Here’s a good FAQ sheet to send them
Order copies of the book via your local independent bookshop and ask them to stock it