Be part of it

Help spark ‘that exponential thing’.

The Carbon Buddy Project aims to trigger a massive reduction in carbon emissions. It’ll do this by encouraging millions of us humans to change our ways.

The word ‘exponential’ is at the heart of this. That means becoming huge. I explain more about this in the book. 

We have to cut carbon emissions FAST. Creating such a massive expansion in a short space of time is what this is all about. And this is where I unashamedly ask for your help.

I have said it in the manual. I will say it again in my talks, and I say it again here, that


The success of this project and the significant impacts which it can have will be only partly up to me. It will mostly be in the hands of people like you who will make it happen for real.

Here are SEVEN ways you can help ignite the flame


Sign up for the newsletter

It would encourage me to know you want to stay in touch. So signing up for the newsletter (around one a month; I’ll keep ’em brief) is a super-easy – and free – way of motivating me and my team to keep going. Sign up here.


Sign up to be a Propagator

What’s the Propagator role? Find out more here.

Lots of Propagators will be crucial in triggering the exponential numbers of people reducing their carbon footprint. It costs you nothing, it’s going to be fun, and I’m planning ways to provide support, and help Propagators be part of a team. And as with Carbon Buddies, you can share the role with a friend or colleague. Sign up here.


Share the FREE Taster Edition

Download the FREE taster edition of the manual. And use it to get a flavour of the unique Carbon Buddy process.

To me, the main thing is to get the word out across the planet, and if you download and share the Taster Edition, that’s an amazing start!


Spread the word

Yes, you’ve guessed it! Social media will be one of the best ways of growing the Carbon Buddy Project. So get busy sharing, tweeting, Instagramming and Goodreading to draw thousands (or even millions?) into this adventure.

And yes, don’t forget that other old-fashioned social media tool: TALKING TO PEOPLE!


Order the full manual

My Investment

I’m self-financing the start-up of this whole project and so far I’ve dedicated a year of my life to making it happen. That’s a measure of my belief and commitment. But I can’t do that forever – eventually it has to pay for itself and be able to run itself.  So every copy of the full printed version that’s sold direct from the website will help towards putting the project on a firm footing. 

Your Investment

If you think this is a worthwhile project and the manual looks useful, please buy the full printed version (it has so much more to offer). At £12.99 for the manual (and this includes access to all the online resources), this is your start-up investment in reducing your personal pollution and helping to cool the planet. Your investment will pay for itself many times not only in money terms but also in feelings of satisfaction, practical carbon reductions and deepening friendships, to say nothing of helping to secure a viable and vibrant future for generations to come. 


Write a Review

In the digital space people look for recommendations from others they trust. Reviews are a crucial tool in selling books. Your honest and genuine reviews not only help potential buyers but they also help me to see which aspects of the manual you like and which don’t quite work for you … fodder for the second edition!


Become a Micro-distributor

Anyone can do this. Buy some manuals (at a special price), sell some, give some. Particularly suitable for Ecopreneurial businesses who can either sell it, or give it as a gift to some of their favourite customers. Everybody wins.