Meet me on the road


After the three formal launches in Cornwall in March and April and May, I’ll drive around the West of England between May and July 2020 to give talks and sell and sign manuals. I’ll be in my highly energy-efficient car, with my Brompton bike, Brava, and I’ll be setting up pop-up bicycle bookshops in all sorts of wonderful places. So watch out on social media for ‘That Carbon Buddy Bloke’ coming to a place near you. Flag me down and come and chat. Hoot if you can’t. 

If you’re one of the ecopreneurs in the South West who are pioneering the ‘cool economy’, I want to get to know you. I shall probably wait to be invited, but if I hear about an interesting ecopreneurial business I just may invite myself – you’ve been warned! 

The diary of my speaking events is here. Please have a look for an event near you. Sign up on Eventbrite and come along. Keep an eye open for other events which will appear here. Many others are being discussed. They’ll be posted once confirmed.
